Sorry for the Silence—Likely Final Post

Sorry I haven’t posted for so long. Those of you that only follow this blog have probably been wondering if one of two things happened: 1) I got my heart and kidney, or 2) I died waiting. Well, I’m happy to say it was partially the former, obviously, since I’m posting this.

I’m happy to say that on September 24th, I got a good heart, and am now in recovery, which is a LONG process. Unfortunately, between the surgeries it was determined that the offered kidney would not have the quality that they wanted, so they stuck with the heart and I am now on dialysis to cover my bases until I manage to find a living kidney donor. I am going to need a kidney at some point, after all. It’s just a matter of how long I can hold off with just dialysis. They’re planning to give me a fistula on Tuesday, so that’s another step forward in that regard. It’ll make showering a million times easier when it fully matures.

Obviously remembering to post here has been difficult since the heart transplant, so this will likely be my last post here unless I find a reason to come back (maybe when the kidney transplant recovery starts?). Thank you to all of you that followed the journey. My final words here are that I was successful in getting my new heart, and in hopefully not a lot of time I’ll be back to my somewhat normal self.

I hope following me here was interesting in terms of looking into the mind of somebody waiting. I’m not the only one, so if you hear of others on the list, keep in mind the perspective of just one person that waited. It’s really quite the tale.

All the best to everyone. Thanks again.
