Relief to the Extreme

Happy to say that for once I have good news to report. Despite getting a shit night’s sleep because of the alarm on my dialysis machine going off before 5am, it turned out to be a good day.

The meeting on Wednesday led to all the departments wanting me to have an MRI. That happened yesterday evening. Timing sucked, but when you’re on hospital time, there’s really nothing you can do.

Fortunately, between last night and this morning, most of the departments got to take a look at the results so they could give their input and tell me their thoughts. All of them very reassuring.

First team that came in was Hepatology (the liver transplant team) — the most important since the focus of the MRI was the masses in my liver. They said that what they saw there was highly likely not cancer, liver or otherwise. They just look like little spots of scarring, which can happen when the liver is under stress like it is now. Given that, they do not recommend a biopsy, because the spots are so small and tricky to get to that the risks would outweigh the benefits if they tried one. They just want to keep watch and make sure nothing funny happens. That means no poking and prodding from their end.

Cardiology came in next, and they basically just said they’re letting Hepatology quarterback this one. Since the liver team is satisfied with the results, they’re happy to just stay the course on their end.

Oncology came in after that, and they reiterated what Hep said in terms of the masses not being cancerous. They do want to get a PET scan, though, just to be certain. Can’t blame them for that.

Long and short of it, that was some serious weight off my shoulders. Even though my sleep kinda sucked, the rest of the day was pretty good. Got in some Netflix — like yesterday — watched some tennis, took some naps. Gotta try and sleep better tonight. Either way, though, it’s a good start to the weekend.

Oh, one other thing:

Happy Birthday, Mama Dukes. ^_^