Good News All Around

This is probably one of the best blogs I get to write (for now). It’s nice to have only positive news for once.

The blood test the doctors wanted (along with a few others that were pending) came back with the results that they wanted, so I’m officially reactivated on the transplant list. It’s nice to have that not stressing me anymore.

My back isn’t really hurting as badly as it was before. I haven’t needed Percocet for at least a day or two now, so that’s a good sign.

Since I haven’t really been able to gain as much weight back as I wanted, my cardiologist actually gave me the okay to have food from outside of the hospital as much as I wanted. I do still need to stick to a low-sodium diet, though. That may actually not be as difficult as one might think when family offers to make personalized meals. I was actually just supplied with like, seven meals’ worth of food tonight. The next few lunches and dinners are going to be so much better. The breakfasts actually aren’t that terrible.

And to top it off, based on the number of offers that have been coming in, I’m pretty high up on the heart-kidney list. I don’t have an exact number, but my cardiologist told me I’m likely in the top five. That’s pretty damn good. It’s very possible that I could be getting a viable offer within the next couple of weeks. I’m not going to expect it, but I do have my fingers crossed.

Keep the good vibes coming, folks.